القـــياس النفسي

اهلا وسهلا بالزوار الكرام يسرنا ان تنضموا الى الأســره النفسيه عن طريق التسجيل والمشاركات او المساهـــــمات

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

القـــياس النفسي

اهلا وسهلا بالزوار الكرام يسرنا ان تنضموا الى الأســره النفسيه عن طريق التسجيل والمشاركات او المساهـــــمات

القـــياس النفسي

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
القـــياس النفسي

مــــوقــــع عراقي يهتم بالقياس النفسي والاختبارات النفسيه والعلوم النفسيه والتربويه بأاشراف الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور عبدالــحسيــن رزوقي الجبـــوري

    الشخصية المتصنعة وعلاقتها بالحاجة إلى الحب هبة مؤيد محمد قدوري 2005م

    د.عبد الحسين الجبوري
    د.عبد الحسين الجبوري

    عدد المساهمات : 118
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/03/2012
    الموقع : كلية التربية ابن رشد /جامعة بغداد

     الشخصية المتصنعة  وعلاقتها بالحاجة إلى الحب   هبة مؤيد محمد قدوري       2005م  Empty الشخصية المتصنعة وعلاقتها بالحاجة إلى الحب هبة مؤيد محمد قدوري 2005م

    مُساهمة  د.عبد الحسين الجبوري الخميس مايو 03, 2012 12:02 am

    الشخصية المتصنعة
    وعلاقتها بالحاجة إلى الحب

    ملخص رسالة مقدمة

    مجلس كلية الآداب في جامعة بغداد
    وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة الماجستير
    آداب – علم النفس

    من قبل الطالبة
    هبة مؤيد محمد قدوري
    الأستاذ الدكتورة
    بثينــة منصــور الحلــو

    1426هـ 2005م

    Histrionic Personality and It’s Relationship to Need for Love

    To the council of college of arts university of Baghdad in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements Arts for the Master Degree of in Psychology

    Study Submitted By

    Supervised By


    2005 A. D 1426 A.H

    An individual is considered as a social human being and we notice this trait in all human beings through their continuos interaction and relations between them.
    Through his interaction and relationships he expresses himself and his emotions . His relationships with others are achieved through social acceptance and this social acceptance plays an important role in developing his personality . Need for love is an essential part in the psychological formation and when this need for love is well satisfied, this will lead to forma healthy and good personality (not histrionic ) , and without love, satis faction an individual will face many difficulties in his growth . Thus, histrionic personality and need for love are important variables in personality and this is assured by many studies and theses . There for it is very important to make
    a scientific study to know more about these two variables and its impact on students of Baghdad University .
    This research aims at :-
    1- Building a measure of histrionic personality that students of Baghdad University have .
    2- Measuring histrionic personality that students of Baghdad University have .
    3- Recognizing differences in histrionic personality according to the gender variable .
    4- Building a measure of need for love .
    5- Measuring the need for love that students of Baghdad University have .
    6- Recognizing the differences in need for love according to the gender variable .
    7- Recognizing the relations between histrionic personality and need for love .
    This research aims at studying the histrionic personality and its relation with the need for love that students of Baghdad University have for both scientific and human departments and for preliminary stages .
    Regarding the theoretical frame the researcher submitted theories that study the two variables by explaining and analysizing them, and the previous studies about these two variables and Summary in love and need for it .
    To achieve the aims of this research, the researcher construct tow measures, one for the histrionic personality and the other the need for love and put the items of these two measures in a positive and negative form. These items are answered by choosing one of the four alternatives in front of each item, and they are as the following :-
    - Strongly agree .
    - Agree .
    - Reject.
    - Strongly reject
    These two measures are applied on (300) male and female students to analysis the items and the relation between the degree of item according to the total degree of the measure by using the method of two groups.
    The measure of histrionic personality scores (34) item which consist of the measure of histrionic personality in its final term . The measure of need for love scores (47) item which consists of the measure of need for love in its final term.
    The measure of histrionic personality has got a constant (0.83) by using re testing and (0.93)by using split – half and (0.91) by using the method of alpha. While the measure of need for love has got a constant (0.85) by using the method of retesting and (0.88) by using the method of alpha.
    The applied specimen of the research consists of (300) male and female students from Baghdad University . These students are from six colleges :
    College of Arts, college of languages , college of Education (Ibn Rushid), College of Medicine , college of pharmacy and Engineering .
    The tools of the research one : the measure of histrionic personality and the measure of need for love which the researcher used and applied on the specimen of the research.
    The data was treated statistically by using Spearman- Brown formula , Alpha equation, T- test for one specimen, T-test for two specimen (male and female) and analysis the difference from the second degree.
    Findings of this research point out that specimen of the research :-
    1- They are not histrionic.
    2- Male are more histrionic than female .
    3- Specimen highly need for love .
    4- There is no difference between male and female in these need for love .
    5- There is an opposite relation statistically between the histrionic personality and the need for love .
    In the light of these findings the researcher recommended:
    1- Advise parents through media as school committee on how to aet and behave towards their children specially in the period of childhood and adolescenge .
    2- Advise parents how to take care of their babies and give them love and care because the family is responsible for his grown up.
    3- Teachers should be so kind and passionate with the children and take care of them psychologically and scientifically .
    There searcher suggested :-
    1- Making similar studies to this research for different social specimen .
    2- Making similar studies to this research that study other variable demographic e. g : Profession , social and economical status and field of study .
    3- Making studies that deal with the relation of this research (one of them or both) with other social and psychological variables e. g. (depression, Sadness, pessimism, optimism, anxiety, inferior complexity . need for showing , escaping from home, cruelty , physical disorder) .
    4- Preparing treatment programs to modefy histrionic behavior.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد يناير 26, 2025 1:07 pm